PC. Hayat Khan (Photo Experts)

Junoon-The Magical

I remember time during the mid-90's, when 2 songs used to be MUST on my playlist to my way back from school: "Mera Mahi" and "Heeray". It was more like a home time ritual, which later turned into my obsession for Junoon. But sadly, I was never able to see them perform live, because things are never taken seriously from a 9-year-old kid. The band broke up and the urge to see them live was always there in my heart or it was in the bucket list.
But life, as we know it, is full of surprises and it would not be wrong to say that it was the most amazing experience of my practical life when I, along with my very close friend, got to work directly with this legendary band and that too on the occasion of most anticipated reunion in the history of Pakistani Music industry. Never ever in our wildest dreams we thought of attending both reunion concerts, in Karachi and Dubai.
Having attended hundreds of concerts, Junoon Reunion concert in Karachi was by far the best concert that I had ever been to. The crowd and enthusiasm were phenomenal. The emotions were so damn high that I literally saw people having teary eyes during the concert. A "Junooni" connection existed between all the people present. While we were not even over with the Karachi concert, Dubai Duty Free Tennis Stadium awaited us. Frankly speaking, we didn't keep our expectations very high for Dubai as things are a bit different away from 'Home'. Fortunately, we were completely wrong. The packed venue, the glittering Tennis stadium and the patriotism all indicated that it would be a night to remember.
It would not be wrong to say that "Khwaab" was the highlight of the night for us. At the venue, it was a dream within a dream. All those cell phone torches and the singing crowd will live in our memories forever. The best part was the chemistry of the band, which (seemed to have) strengthened further after the Karachi concert. It was right on track like the good ol' days.
The presence of the trio, Brain, Salman, and Ali on stage gives one such amazing feels, that it cannot be described in words. They represent a generation, a legacy and a "Kafiyat"(condition). We can't thank them enough for reuniting and gathering all the music enthusiasts from the 80's & 90's, and motivating the new musicians on the block. Looking forward to seeing Junoon more often in the future.

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