Ready Steady No is a perfect comedy movie we had been waiting for a long time.

Ready Steady No - Comedy at its Very Best

Dair Aaye Durust Aaye!

Ready Steady No is the perfect comedy movie Pakistani audience had been craving since long. It takes guts to create a comedy movie that includes good humor, punch lines, and perfect dialogue delivery and watching Ready Steady No, one can easily say it is the best comedy flick to come out in recent times.

The movie doesn't include big names but stars don't make a movie huge - storyline, support staff, and behind the camera work do. Starring Amna Ilyas and Faisal Saif, Ready Steady No takes you to a rollercoaster ride and you may often find yourselves struggling to stick to your seats. Here Ismail Tara, Nargis Rashid, Zain Afzal, and Nayyar Ijaz deserve a special mention for playing their roles brilliantly and leaving the audience in fits of laughter with their timing.

The film's music is also something to cherish. At a time when item numbers are finding themselves a must-have element in movies, Ready Steady No has brought a breath of fresh air having mixed sounds. From Rahma Ali's melodic voice to  Badnaam's grunge number, the music section is as rich as the movie itself.

Even with a clichéd plot, Ready Steady No has made it very clear that importance of the art of storytelling is second to none and requires deep understanding of the audience. For comedy lovers, this is a movie you shouldn't miss out! 

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