Paray Hut Love Movie Review by Ravesh the Brand

Parey Hutt Love: A Production Masterpiece by The Vision Factory

What an Eid we have had so far and we are delighted to end it on a high courtesy of Paray Hut Love – a brilliant movie we really wanted to watch since its trailer’s release. Even the word ‘brilliant’ is not enough to do justice to such a lively, colorful, and masterfully directed movie. The excitement got bigger when upon reaching the ticketing counter, there was a long que but thank God, we got the tickets and entered the cinema hall!

From the beginning till the end, it was so difficult to keep the eyes off the screen. The entire supporting cast of the movie did a wonderful job in keeping the interest level to the maximum. Zara Noor Abbas, Hina Dilpazeer, Jimmy Khan, Parishay James, Rachel Viccaji, and especially Ahmed Ali Butt were a joy to watch. The cherry on top was arguably the chemistry between Maya Ali and Sheheryar Munawar. What a couple they made and how well their bonding was put in the best favor of the movie. 

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Nadeem Baig proved yet again why class is permanent and even after so many years; his charisma can shine above all. It was so good to see a true legend playing the role of the female lead's father rather than Javed Sheikh; who, no doubt, is one of the greats, but we have seen so much of him in previous movies.

Paray Hut Love movie review by Ravesh the Brand

While watching the movie, all those negative reviews and comments on social media seemed so meaningless and a vendetta against the movie. The hypocrisy has grown to a level where it is now affecting our own credibility. There was nothing wrong with the movie but the ones watching it. We found comments on the internet about movie being all about fancy sets and clothes alongwith weak story line. On the other hand same group of people would be GAGA over Yash Johar's high budget flicks with basless story. Haven't the same people enjoyed such scenes? Just because there are Pakistani actors in the movie, people have to criticize it. This speaks volumes of the double standards we have. However, this is not the time to talk about them. 

Coming back to the movie, it was one of those rare art pieces which we don’t want to end and the crowd reaction in the end proved it. People were clapping and whistling the moment Maya and Sheheryar got together. Not to forget we also joined the party and danced to Balma Bhagora in the end with the rest of the crowd. We are super happy to see how Pakistani cinema is shaping up and after watching Paray Hut Love, we can safely say that the time of glory is not far away. 


No doubt! This film is a masterpiece!! Full of positivity.. love Maya Ali’s Role.. spunky!! n intellectual!! Thank you Asim Raza and Sheheryar Munawar for giving us a such a great piece of entertainment!!!!


Lovely review of a wonderful movie. The film has everything that a family entertainer should have. The negative comments are all sponsored by the competitors of PHL, whose film is not doing as good as they expect. Kudos to the director Asim Raza and the producer Sheheryar Munawar for such a masterpiece. A great pleasure to watch PHL.

Munawar A Siddiqui

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