Mehbooba- From Haroon to Xulfi

Mehbooba- From Haroon to Xulfi

Couple of days back a post which really caught my attention was the presence of an old favorite "Haroon Rashid" on the sets of Nescafe Basement. Being little bit out of the musical scene, it surely was an indication that something was cooking. Soon the posts started coming about the release of "Mehbooba" in the season premier of Nescafe Basement.

I was honestly little bit hesitant to listen to the new version because of special association with the original song and I did not want to ruin the feelings attached to it. Moreover, I didn't want Nescafe Basement to be failure in recreating magic this time as they had been pretty amazing with the remakes of "Mr.Fraudiye" and "Jaadu ka Chiragh". 

Then came the moment of truth when I finally listened to Mehbooba and then it was on repeat. Best part was that it kept the essence of the original number and yet introduction of new musical instrumnets was beyond pleasant. One thing worth mentioning here is the beauty with which "Ali Asghar" did the arabic vocals. It was indeed the toughest job keeping the soul and feel of those lyrics. Overall a great peformance by the complete crew and helped us relive this iconic song as everyone is mentioining.

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