Varqa Farid from houseband of Coke Studio season 12.

Coke Studio Houseband Series- Conversation with Varqa Faraid

The Coke Studio houseband has always been a point of attraction in the show however, this time around we got to see many new entries which made us want to know more about them. Hence, we thought to start this series of small interviews featuring them. Starting off with very dynamic Varqa Faraid on keyboards. So here's our little conversation with him. Hope you enjoy and don't forget to leave the comments. 

  • Where did you grow up?

          I was born in Rawalpindi and i had my early schooling from Kashmir.

  • Your educational back ground? 

          I’m a dental surgeon by profession.

  • At what age you found your inclination towards music? 

          I found out my passion towards music in my teens after I visited my family in Iran. Everyone was inclined towards musical instruments and there I found my love for this part of me.

  • Your child hood inspirations (musically)?

          I was inspired by my family musically. Music is in our genes. Each one of us is into arts one way or the other along with their other careers.  We love art in all forms.

  • Favorite Pakistani Musicians? 

          Tatakak band from Lahore has to be my favorite. One of the tightest unit I know in  this country.

  • Favorite Western Musicians? 

         There are many western musicians that i personally love listening too. Quite tough to mention the favorite! Tigran Hamasian, Robert Glasper and many others.

  • How did Coke Studio happen for you? 

         Coke studio has been a great experience. Thanks to Rohail for putting in so much effort and finding everyone who made season 12 a success.

  • What were your feelings? 

         It felt great. Specially to see such level of professionalism. I enjoyed every bit of it and made alot of great friends. The team worked as a pack and did not let anyone down at any point. The chemistry between all of us was great. That was a great experience.

  • Any inspiring tips you want to share?

         All i would like to say is that never give up. Once you start practicing like you mean it, you’ll achieve your goal. Nobody is born with a skill, you have to acquire it. The more you invest your sweat and blood in it, the better would be the product. Long hours of hard work always pay off. Just focus on your work, get better and better every day!

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