Birthday wish for a guy with NUMBERS

Birthday wish for a guy with NUMBERS

What a journey it has been so far with "Ravesh" where I got to meet so many new people in this new world of entrepreneurship. I have been fortunate to meet those people more in number who have helped me grow, as compared to those whom i wish i had never come across. One person who falls into the previous category is Sadiq Saleem. A U.A.E. based Chartered Accountant whom i got to know through a mutual reference during promotion of Mahira Khan's movie Superstar in Dubai. While I was in Pakistan this guy helped my partner in Dubai to meet the cast which itself was pretty generous for someone of his stature.

The purpose of sharing this piece is to just appreciate the efforts he has been making to promote Pakistani Media industry without compromising on his content. The "trending" is not an issue for him because he has the capacity to make anything even from the 60's make interesting by all facts and figures he presents and at the same time is upto date about the contemporary Pakistani content. From Noor Jahan to Nayyara Noor, Nazia Hassan to Hadiqa Kayani, Tina Sani to QB he knows it all, listens to all with deep understanding.

And how can we not discuss his subtle drama reviews done so brilliantly through his Instagram stories or through Facebook posts. Defintely sets him apart from the regular crowd pullers since aim is different in case of Mr. Sadiq Saleem, i-e his passion and love for his own people, his own media. So here's wishing the Guy with numbers (whether those numbers are from his own field or musical Chart :P), a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.




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